Is The Network available to students of all majors? Through collaboration of the Office of Alumni Relations and the Alumni Association Board, The Network was specifically created to be a resource to ALL students, not solely to those in academic areas with defined professional tracks. So to that History or Philosophy major discerning how to best use their degree, we’re looking at you!
How are students made aware of The Network? When the service was launched in 2013, a strategic roll-out was executed to students via a multi-channel approach. From campus posters, email blasts, social media posts, visuals on TV screens across campus and even coffee cup sleeves…the JCU Mentoring Network was everywhere. Additionally, members of the alumni relations team presented at Student Union meetings and held special presentations with athletic coaches and various student mentors across campus as well as tutorial sessions with students. Ultimately, the most effective partners in promoting awareness and usage was on the academic side (deans, faculty, advisors).
How many of the academic departments know about this resource for students? Over the past year, special rack cards were created and distributed to all academic departments, academic advisors and the offices of both deans. Over the past year, many faculty members were beginning to incorporate usage of The Network in their syllabi and course expectations. The resource is even being promoted to prospective families in the Office of Undergraduate Admission.
Is this resource available to alumni too? The Network was designed for students but with young alumni who are still finding their way in mind as well. Recent graduates (1-3 years out) of John Carroll with an active JCU email account may be approved to use The Network for professional guidance purposes.
What tools are available to students to prepare them to use The Network? After students log in, they are able to access a tutorial and guidelines tab on the site featuring general networking tips, sample outreach messages, suggested questions and additional resources for future success.
Will there be any in-person networking events for this program? Through our Student Alumni Association, we are constantly identifying opportunities to connect alumni with students for professional networking, in Cleveland and across the country.
How do I update my mentor profile? While there is no way for you to log in and view your profile, just shoot us an email at to ask to see your profile and/or request changes.
When do I get “paired” with a student for this program? While 82% of respondents stated they clearly understood the expectations of the program, some did not. Unlike a traditional, matching mentoring structure, The Network serves as a convenient and safe resource for students seeking guidance on academic majors, career paths and general professional advice. For our alumni, the service was designed to provide a way to help current students that also makes sense with regard to the busy lives and hectic schedules of our graduates. Be it a one-time email exchange, an informational interview over the phone, or something that builds to monthly meetings over coffee, The Network can help make it happen for our students and alums.